Rocky Patel is legendary for his commitment to creating richly rewarding, expertly crafted premium cigars. His creations consistently rank amongst the world’s top smokes. It makes Rocky Patel cigars some of the most sought-after and most satisfying smokes on the market. So, let’s pull the curtain back on the Rocky Patel brand today. Let us see how the care and craftsmanship of making each cigar translate to an exceptional cigar-smoking experience.
Unlike many cigarmakers born into the tobacco growing or cigar rolling life, Rocky Patel started as an entertainment and product liability lawyer based in Los Angeles, California. His many high-profile connections exposed him to the wonders of premium cigars. His growing interest in cigars led him to be one of the founding members of L.A.’s world-famous Grand Havana Room cigar lounge.
During the early days of the 1990s cigar boom, Rocky Patel seized the opportunity to start a new cigar brand. Have you heard of Indian Tabac? The brand proved naysayers wrong and became a hit with cigar smokers. It is laying the groundwork for the brand we know and love today as Rocky Patel cigars.
There is perhaps no harder working cigarmaker today than Rocky Patel. He splits his time overseeing cigar production at the Tavicusa factory in Esteli, Nicaragua, and the El Paraiso factory in Danli, Honduras. He combined this with handling the day-to-day operations of a globally recognized cigar company. Moreover, had legislative battles for cigar rights, and engaging with media, customers, and fans, and you have one busy schedule. Patel’s passion for creating great-tasting, innovative, well-made smokes at good value is at the heart of it all.
Rocky Patel leaves no stone unturned when developing blends to suit all tastes. An ever-broadening range of Rocky Patel cigars features every imaginable cigar type, from mellow to intensely bold, from natural, earthy smokes to deliciously sweet, infused offerings. Here are just a few of the many Rocky Patel cigars you can explore at R&R Cigars:
As one of the first-ever Rocky Patel offerings, the Vintage 1990 blend is a fan favorite famous for its rich texture yet smooth, balanced body and taste. Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican tobaccos paired with a 12-year-old Broadleaf wrapper from Honduras give the smoke a luxurious medium-plus character with prominent toasted oak, leather, anise, cocoa, and earth flavors.
The Disciple blend pairs savory Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos with a Mexican San Andres wrapper leaf. The result is a wonderfully rich yet balanced smoke loaded with earth, pepper, cedar, oak, and coffee flavors strung together by a ribbon of subtle sweetness. The medium-to-full-bodied smoke is a great whiskey pairing option.
The 91-rated Quarter Century blend celebrates Patel’s first 25 years in the cigar business. Nicaraguan tobaccos aged 10 years are rolled into a Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper. Each cigar is then aged an additional two years to deliver impeccable smoothness, complexity, and taste. Wood, chocolate, earth, pepper, leather, and sweet spice highlight this medium-full standout.
The White Label is a crowning achievement for Rocky Patel that uses a 10-year-old blend of rich, earthy Nicaraguan tobacco leaves and the sweet, creamy qualities of Honduran tobacco. This mixture combines with the luxuriousness of a USA-grown Connecticut Shade wrapper. Cedary and nutty expressions punctuate this smooth, voluptuous, medium-bodied smoke.
The Rocky Patel Sun Grown Maduro series gives cigar lovers a beautifully balanced smoke perfect for pairing with a wide range of today’s finest distilled spirits. Nicaraguan tobaccos topped by a rich Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper give the smoke a satisfying, full-flavored character. Wood, earth, and toast undertones provide the blend’s structure while chocolaty sweetness lingers.
Another of Rocky Patel’s earliest and most beloved blends, the Vintage 1992 series features a lavishly rich blend of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos topped by a 10-year-old Sumatra-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador. The smoke is a robust, yet smooth medium-full experience highlighted by leather, coffee, earth, and pepper flavors with a lingering sweetness.
Rocky Patel’s Java by Drew Estate is a game changer that marries the best of premium cigar craftsmanship with a unique flavor infusion process by Drew Estate. Each smoke delivers a smooth and wildly delicious coffee character perfect for any time. The original Java Maduro and milder Connecticut-wrapped Latte are classic favorites. The Java Mint and cherry-infused Java Red make perfect companions for delectable desserts.
Rocky Patel’s cigar range reaches far and wide, so no matter what the occasion, you’ll be able to select the right Rocky Patel cigar for the job. Visit your favorite cigar purveyor to discover these and other Rocky Patel cigars, including all the latest new releases and special editions.
Rocky Patel and his team put great effort into developing cigar blends that are innovative, uniquely flavorful concoctions that are meant to deliver sensory experiences all their own or complement the finest food and drink.
A Rocky Patel premium cigar is an enriching experience that can be enhanced by selecting the size and blend best suited to the occasion. Rocky Patel offers a wide spectrum of sizes, ensuring your experience is neither hurried nor unfulfilled. In addition, the many different blends Rocky Patel offers let you confidently choose the blend that matches your preferred level of body, taste, and strength.
Rocky Patel cigars are as dependable as cigars get. So, no matter which Rocky Patel cigar you choose, you can rest assured it’s expertly made, deliciously flavorful, and satisfying. The best way to enjoy Rocky Patel offerings is in the friendly confines of R&R Cigars with your top pick from our diverse whiskey selection.
R&R Cigars curates a world-class cigar collection that includes Rocky Patel’s finest and most popular smokes. Join us at the Cigar Mansion at 2703 Fitts Street, Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35401, and we’ll guide you through the wonderful world of Rocky Patel cigars. Don’t wait to start your Rocky Patel experience. Visit R&R online to learn more today.